Classroom Projects

The Solar Energy Animation Campaign

Energy Education Library Pilot

Now featured on Indegogo!

The New York Solar Energy Society's You Tube Energy Education Library Pilot will be used to show our teacher education on Kickstarter. We need to raise $3000.00 now to pay for a pilot with a very high level of graphics to portray the sun, the solar wind, the photons and the electrons popping out of the solar panel. The look has to be like Disney. We want it to be clear to kindergartners. It has to be fun. Ideally people will look at it more than once. It's physics and it is a mystery to most people how PV works. We'll touch on all the renewables, mention solar heat, solar hot water, solar cooking, passive solar and energy efficiency but we only have 5 minutes and the tricky part is PV and that's where the best of the best graphics needs to shine.

This pilot will use "crowd source funding" to raise enough to continue to develop more curriculum; first grade, second grade and so on. Our extensive research has found teachers are nervous about curriculum they do not understand. The videos will give them real classroom lessons. They can show the You Tube videos to the class, pick up the ideas and then, if they wish, tackle lessons on their own. Most teachers did not major in physics and we'll be giving them the visual tools to understand the science. By starting with the cartoon graphics for kindergartners, we'll be starting at the easiest level to comprehend and reaching the most people.

Finding a team willing to contribute long hours of script writing, "cartooning", filming and editing a pilot has been an amazing journey. These artists get it. They think we are on to something big. With Kickstarter they will raise funds to continue our project. The team has done this work before successfully. Our completion date is July 10, 2013.

Please join NYSES to help fund this program. With no administrative overhead your financial support goes directly to programs. We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank Yous!

Many thanks to the support received from donors to the IndieGoGo campaign, Summer 2013:

Kiku Loomis
Minnesota Renewable energy Society
Laura Cina Burrington
Eleaine Hebert
Ann Musso

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